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Monday 6 February 2017

Ministry of Youth and Sports participating in France Africa Youth forum in the Republic of Mali

"Unemployment, entrepreneurship, microfinance, as well as field visits are the most outstanding affairs the forum has tackled, Ghazaly the general coordinator of African Youth Bureau of the ministry stated"
 In the margins of "Africa-France" summit, Egypt participated in the activities of youth forum in Mali within the period from 11 till 16 of this month. Egypt was hosted by Mali within such a period under the auspices of H.E Abu Bakr Ibrahim Kita, the president of Mali; in order to discuss the challenges regarding terrorism, peace, security, immigration, gunrunning, organized crime, the fight against Al-Qaida in Mali, economic partnership in addition to development.

The Ministry of Youth and sports sent the Egyptian representative Hassan Ghazaly, Pan African Youth Union Deputy Secretary General
for f and General Coordinator for African youth Bureau of the ministry, so as to take part in the activities of youth forum which concentrated on the issues related to youth and programs for youth development in entrepreneurship.
بخق Co-ordinator General for Youth African gyptian representative Hassan Al Ghazali,,

The Egyptian representative contributed to formulating the final youth statement presented at the level of heads of State Summit (France-Africa) in the presence of the heads of youth national councils, the African leaders in Diaspora, in addition to the African experts and technicians interested and involved in youth issues from Africa & France.                                    

Immigration Issue    

Hassan Ghazaly declared that the statement addressed main points discussing the topics of brain-drain, the benefit which should be provided and contributed  by the minds of Diaspora to their mother continent, and demanding for establishing ministries ,concerned with the affairs of immigrants, within governments.

Furthermore, Ghazaly stressed that Egypt went a long way towards immigration issues, through manifold aspects such as the establishment of a ministry for Egyptians abroad, and  the annual meetings ,gathering the sons of Egyptian communities abroad, organized by the Ministry of  youth and Sports . At the same time , he referred to the conference "Egypt Can" recently organized by Egypt under the patronage of the president, Abd Al Fattah Al Sisi.

Youth Fund

And during the sidelines events of the Summit Francine Muyumba , the president of African Youth union, affirmed that it is necessary to set up "African Youth Fund" in order to provide investment opportunities for youth, this is the initiative that the  union strives for achieving in accordance with decision makers and grassroots  level of youth. This was during the activities of  youth forum of France-Africa Summit under the slogan of " Youth and entrepreneurship " launched by the prime minister of Mali.

Various Visits

   On the margin of the summit, Ghazaly and the delegation of Pan African Youth Union and a number of African Youth leaders visited "Seppi" which is one of the villages in Mali; in order to have a look at its emerging industrial experiences. Those visitors were hosted by village dwellers headed by the mayor and local leaders; this visit was for examining one of successful experiences at the national level in Mali in the field of small industries. Seppi village depends on generating industries through the development of agricultural products to industrial ones, for example soap, cosmetics and oilseeds.                              

*Ghazaly confirmed that the Pan African Youth union strives for providing financial supplies for such business through communicating with these establishments which support and finance such small business.

Egyptian Embassy Visit

*The Egyptian embassy received General coordinator for African Youth Bureau and Deputy Secretary General of Pan African Youth union in Bamako, the capital of Mali. During this visit, the Egyptian representative met the members of the Egyptian embassy leaded by Naser Hmzawy, the ambassador of Egypt to Mali. In addition, Ghazaly expressed the Engineer Khaled Abd Al Aziz, minister of youth and sports, greeting to the Egyptian ambassador, and thanked embassy members for their warm reception and effort.

This meeting also addressed the role of Egypt, as the representative of North Africa, at the levels (youth forum) on the margin of the Summit through Pan African Youth Union.

African Co-operation

The role of the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports in activating African relations was reviewed. This role is accomplished through African Youth Bureau in organizing Continental training youth forums. As a result, the ministry got the praise of African Union Commission and explained that its last contribution was the training for African Union Volunteers Corps.

By: Hassan Ali Ghazaly
Pan African Youth Union Deputy Secretary General

Saturday 28 January 2017


Bernard Bebe of UNA Zimbabwe has been selected as the WFUNA Young Leader of 2016 due to his outstanding work on UN Sustainable Development Goal 16. Bernard was selected after a rigorous process supported by an evaluating committee composed of three members of the WFUNA Youth Advisory Council in addition to WFUNA Secretariat Staff.
The top three nominees were interviewed according to the following criteria:
  • Contribution to the development of the nominating UNA
  • Leadership qualities
  • Overall work on Peace and Security issues
  • Strong understanding of elements contained in UN Sustainable Development Goal 16
Bernard has been engaged and active in field of peace from the year 2013 when he joined UNA- Zimbabwe whilst he was a second-year student at Bindura University of Science Education. He is in the National Team responsible for organizing Peace Day in Zimbabwe thorugh a coalition of peace activists from both Civil Society and Government.
Currently, he is working to proactively counter religious conflicts through a program called Religious Tolerance in which he is working mostly with different religious groups in Zimbabwe to cultivate a culture of peace. He works mostly with youths from high schools and universities. He is also active in ending gender based violence against women and girls is also a trained human rights activist who has a keen interest in promoting women rights. See more details here



Weaver Avenue, AB Tolbert Road, Paynesville City, Montserrado, Liberia
E-mail: yonerliberia2008@gmail.com
Cell#: (+231)-886-577-742/777-287-529

After Liberia’s long 14-year civil war ended and a democratic government elected in 2006, Jarius Andrew Greaves, a victim of the civil war led and established Youth Network for Reform (YONER-LIBERIA) in 2008 and to realize this vision, he formally incorporated YONER-LIBERIA August 20, 2010 as a Legal Youth Development Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Liberia with the primary goal to re-unite communities and civil war enemies especially, the thousands of child soldiers who had turned youths through socio-economic development initiatives. YONER-LIBERIA has initiated several innovative peace, security and socio-economic development and empowerment interventions in Liberia through voluntary community service, inter-community sports tournaments, inter community peace dialogues to hardness the energy of young people and to empower them through civic and voter’s education, and conflict prevention through community outreach and radio and televisions awareness and access to employment to build and sustain peace through partnership with communities to provide local scholarships to deserving students, conduct training, and engage in advocacy and other community services, waste management and business networking; entrepreneurial/start-ups training, inter-community peace and reconciliation sports tournaments and dialogues to engage and empower young people to promote positive values, healthy habits, and education – resulting in real life power.
YONER-LIBERIA’s MISSION is to undertake actions that nurture and build honest and able leaders to become self-reliant and agents of positive change within their communities, and its VISION is to have a more just and developed society where all children and youth will live freely and receive supports and opportunities to realize their full potential without any form of discrimination.
Today, YONER-LIBERIA is one of the leading grassroots youth development NGOs in Liberia, advocating youth engagement and empowerment initiatives, and has directly impacted the lives of more than 30,000 under-privileged and poverty-stricken children and youth in our community and the nation at large in addressing their social, psychological and economic needs through several innovative programs and provided services that have helped them become self-reliance– thus creating their independence– and building their capacities in preparation for long-term empowerment and job opportunities. Practically, the programs and services offered by the organization are basically improving the skills of individuals in peace and reconciliation and unity; provided skills in personal hygiene, work readiness and job/opportunities search, time management, career planning, while providing academic and other capacity building support and developing them into patriotic citizens.

More specifically, YONER-LIBERIA has;
 Organized and hosted 20 inter-community youth peace and reconciliation dialogues and sports tournaments including the biggest peace tournament ever in Paynesville after the Civil War
 Provided more than 500 scholarships to less fortunate kids and youth at primary, secondary, university and vocational/technical education through its Local Scholarship Program since 2010
 Provided 31 full/part time jobs through its Waste Management Business Program
 Enlisted 500 youths in its Vacation/Internships Program
 Constructed three hand pumps in slums and commercial centers through the “Giving Back to our Community” Program
 Provided food and non-food items to more than 500 old, disadvantaged and physically challenged people quarterly for a period of three years now
 Carried out more than 30 local community service/clean-up campaigns
 Organized more than 50 different youth education workshops/forums in the areas of health, leadership, peace-building, entrepreneurship, and good governance and elections
 Organized mentoring sessions for students seeking internships, scholarships, international seminars, workshops and conferences and more than 25 have participated in regional and international youth forums around Africa

In the eight short years since its founding, YONER-LIBERIA has played a major role in the peace-building and sustainable development processes in post war Liberia with too many unproductive, unsupervised youths who were used as child soldiers and are the youths of today through valuable structured programs. YONER-LIBERIA uses volunteer community service, local scholarships and entrepreneurial/start-ups training including inter-community peace and reconciliation sports tournaments, dialogues to engage and empower young people to promote positive values, healthy habits, and education – resulting in real life power.
YONER-LIBERIA has relied on professional and youth volunteers or minimally compensated staff, which has resulted in high turnout, attracting qualified professional volunteers, and participation of youth volunteers who serve as positive role models and peace-builders with peers in their communities.
YONER-LIBERIA has a growing expert in youth and local community development and influencing local, national and regional youth policies and empowering young people to become peace-builders.
Also, three years ago, YONER-LIBERIA secured financial support from CHF-International, now Global Communities and constructed a mini office on a parcel of land donated by its Board Chairperson which is being used to fully run and manage the affairs of the organization. This innovation has set YONER-LIBERIA a part from all other local youth organizations in Liberia. It’s conducive for the functions of the organization and has therefore increased the visibility, and improved the working vision of the organization in responding to the problems faced by children and youth in Liberia.
As an implementing partner of Mandela Washington Fellowship-Liberia (YALI), YONER-LIBERIA has supported the successful conduct of mentoring sessions for more than 500 applicants on strategies to fill out the 2015, 2016 and 2017 applications, and is the Lead Organizer of the U.S. Department of State’s GIST Techconnect Viewing Group Event in Liberia that aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovation for youth empowerment and socioeconomic development in Liberia. YONER-LIBERIA also, working in partnership with more than 20 local and national youth organizations and 5 public and several regional and international organizations in Liberia, Africa and around the world, including USA and India.

Contacts Information
Mobile Numbers: +231-886577742/+231-777287529
Email: yonerliberia2008@gmail.com/ infoyonerliberia@gmail.com

www.facebook.com/yoner.liberia https://www.facebook.com/pages/Youth-Network-for-Reform-Yoner-Lib... 

GOOGLE: https://wwww.google.com/+YouthNetworkforReform 

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/yoner-liberia/103/831/880  

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/yonerlib2008