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Saturday 28 January 2017


Bernard Bebe of UNA Zimbabwe has been selected as the WFUNA Young Leader of 2016 due to his outstanding work on UN Sustainable Development Goal 16. Bernard was selected after a rigorous process supported by an evaluating committee composed of three members of the WFUNA Youth Advisory Council in addition to WFUNA Secretariat Staff.
The top three nominees were interviewed according to the following criteria:
  • Contribution to the development of the nominating UNA
  • Leadership qualities
  • Overall work on Peace and Security issues
  • Strong understanding of elements contained in UN Sustainable Development Goal 16
Bernard has been engaged and active in field of peace from the year 2013 when he joined UNA- Zimbabwe whilst he was a second-year student at Bindura University of Science Education. He is in the National Team responsible for organizing Peace Day in Zimbabwe thorugh a coalition of peace activists from both Civil Society and Government.
Currently, he is working to proactively counter religious conflicts through a program called Religious Tolerance in which he is working mostly with different religious groups in Zimbabwe to cultivate a culture of peace. He works mostly with youths from high schools and universities. He is also active in ending gender based violence against women and girls is also a trained human rights activist who has a keen interest in promoting women rights. See more details here



Weaver Avenue, AB Tolbert Road, Paynesville City, Montserrado, Liberia
E-mail: yonerliberia2008@gmail.com
Cell#: (+231)-886-577-742/777-287-529

After Liberia’s long 14-year civil war ended and a democratic government elected in 2006, Jarius Andrew Greaves, a victim of the civil war led and established Youth Network for Reform (YONER-LIBERIA) in 2008 and to realize this vision, he formally incorporated YONER-LIBERIA August 20, 2010 as a Legal Youth Development Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Liberia with the primary goal to re-unite communities and civil war enemies especially, the thousands of child soldiers who had turned youths through socio-economic development initiatives. YONER-LIBERIA has initiated several innovative peace, security and socio-economic development and empowerment interventions in Liberia through voluntary community service, inter-community sports tournaments, inter community peace dialogues to hardness the energy of young people and to empower them through civic and voter’s education, and conflict prevention through community outreach and radio and televisions awareness and access to employment to build and sustain peace through partnership with communities to provide local scholarships to deserving students, conduct training, and engage in advocacy and other community services, waste management and business networking; entrepreneurial/start-ups training, inter-community peace and reconciliation sports tournaments and dialogues to engage and empower young people to promote positive values, healthy habits, and education – resulting in real life power.
YONER-LIBERIA’s MISSION is to undertake actions that nurture and build honest and able leaders to become self-reliant and agents of positive change within their communities, and its VISION is to have a more just and developed society where all children and youth will live freely and receive supports and opportunities to realize their full potential without any form of discrimination.
Today, YONER-LIBERIA is one of the leading grassroots youth development NGOs in Liberia, advocating youth engagement and empowerment initiatives, and has directly impacted the lives of more than 30,000 under-privileged and poverty-stricken children and youth in our community and the nation at large in addressing their social, psychological and economic needs through several innovative programs and provided services that have helped them become self-reliance– thus creating their independence– and building their capacities in preparation for long-term empowerment and job opportunities. Practically, the programs and services offered by the organization are basically improving the skills of individuals in peace and reconciliation and unity; provided skills in personal hygiene, work readiness and job/opportunities search, time management, career planning, while providing academic and other capacity building support and developing them into patriotic citizens.

More specifically, YONER-LIBERIA has;
 Organized and hosted 20 inter-community youth peace and reconciliation dialogues and sports tournaments including the biggest peace tournament ever in Paynesville after the Civil War
 Provided more than 500 scholarships to less fortunate kids and youth at primary, secondary, university and vocational/technical education through its Local Scholarship Program since 2010
 Provided 31 full/part time jobs through its Waste Management Business Program
 Enlisted 500 youths in its Vacation/Internships Program
 Constructed three hand pumps in slums and commercial centers through the “Giving Back to our Community” Program
 Provided food and non-food items to more than 500 old, disadvantaged and physically challenged people quarterly for a period of three years now
 Carried out more than 30 local community service/clean-up campaigns
 Organized more than 50 different youth education workshops/forums in the areas of health, leadership, peace-building, entrepreneurship, and good governance and elections
 Organized mentoring sessions for students seeking internships, scholarships, international seminars, workshops and conferences and more than 25 have participated in regional and international youth forums around Africa

In the eight short years since its founding, YONER-LIBERIA has played a major role in the peace-building and sustainable development processes in post war Liberia with too many unproductive, unsupervised youths who were used as child soldiers and are the youths of today through valuable structured programs. YONER-LIBERIA uses volunteer community service, local scholarships and entrepreneurial/start-ups training including inter-community peace and reconciliation sports tournaments, dialogues to engage and empower young people to promote positive values, healthy habits, and education – resulting in real life power.
YONER-LIBERIA has relied on professional and youth volunteers or minimally compensated staff, which has resulted in high turnout, attracting qualified professional volunteers, and participation of youth volunteers who serve as positive role models and peace-builders with peers in their communities.
YONER-LIBERIA has a growing expert in youth and local community development and influencing local, national and regional youth policies and empowering young people to become peace-builders.
Also, three years ago, YONER-LIBERIA secured financial support from CHF-International, now Global Communities and constructed a mini office on a parcel of land donated by its Board Chairperson which is being used to fully run and manage the affairs of the organization. This innovation has set YONER-LIBERIA a part from all other local youth organizations in Liberia. It’s conducive for the functions of the organization and has therefore increased the visibility, and improved the working vision of the organization in responding to the problems faced by children and youth in Liberia.
As an implementing partner of Mandela Washington Fellowship-Liberia (YALI), YONER-LIBERIA has supported the successful conduct of mentoring sessions for more than 500 applicants on strategies to fill out the 2015, 2016 and 2017 applications, and is the Lead Organizer of the U.S. Department of State’s GIST Techconnect Viewing Group Event in Liberia that aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovation for youth empowerment and socioeconomic development in Liberia. YONER-LIBERIA also, working in partnership with more than 20 local and national youth organizations and 5 public and several regional and international organizations in Liberia, Africa and around the world, including USA and India.

Contacts Information
Mobile Numbers: +231-886577742/+231-777287529
Email: yonerliberia2008@gmail.com/ infoyonerliberia@gmail.com

www.facebook.com/yoner.liberia https://www.facebook.com/pages/Youth-Network-for-Reform-Yoner-Lib... 

GOOGLE: https://wwww.google.com/+YouthNetworkforReform 

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/yoner-liberia/103/831/880  

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/yonerlib2008


Jarius Andrew Greaves’ story is neither one of an absolute privilege nor one who was born with a “silver spoon”. It is one of sacrifice and gratitude: The sacrifices of his parents, fore-parents, and the many selfless mentors and fellow youth leaders who have believed in him and continual to support his vision of breeding a new generation of leaders, especially  after Liberia’s 14 years of civil unrest. In an effort to give back to his community, country and the world at large, he lives each day in the mindfulness of a liability that can only be repaid by helping others - whenever, and wherever possible. His dream is to impact his peers, his community and nations. He envisions breeding a new generation of civic-minded and service-oriented leaders, and thankfully, he’s surrounded by some passionate and supportive mentors, and hardworking youth workers who are committed to making this a reality. So here's an advice from Andrew: Don't boast of being "self-made" – because we all need other leaders to believe in us.
Andrew currently serves as Youth Representative of the Liberian Ministry of Health, and Heads the newly established Adolescent and Youth Unit within the Family Health Division at the Ministry of Health.
Andrew is an International Youth Development Activist and a Certified African Youth Activist for “Grass-roots” campaigns and drives in Africa with over 10 years of experience in youth and local community development, social entrepreneurship, grassroots campaigns and peace education. Andrew is a U.S. Department of State’s GIST Program Alumnus and lead organizer of the GIST Techconnect in Liberia. He aspires to complete a graduate degree in Youth Development and Entrepreneurship.
Despite being a civil war victim, it didn’t let the challenges quench his thirst to make a change; instead, they propelled him to dream for better opportunities, and defined in him the true meaning and the purpose of life—to look beyond his own needs to see other people’s needs. Thus, he led, established and registered Youth Network for Reform (YONER) in 2008.  To date; YONER has directly impacted the lives of over 30,000 fellow youth and children through partnership with communities to provide local scholarships to deserving students, conduct training, and engage in advocacy and other community services including waste management and business networking, admitted as member of the Ministry of Youth & Sports’ Youth Coordination Committee and African Youth NGOs Network, and an implementing partner to Mandela Washington Fellowship-Liberia.  YONER-LIBERIA is headquartered in Paynesville City and has two active Clubs in J.J. Y. Community (Gardnerville) and Freetown Community (Browerville.
In the eight short years since its founding, YONER-LIBERIA has been able to build partnership with more than 20 local youth NGOs across country and more than 5 public institutions complementing its initiatives to continue playing a major role in the peace-building and sustainable development process in Liberia; a country with too many unproductive, unsupervised youths through valuable structured programs. YONER-LIBERIA has achieved these through voluntary community service, local scholarships, and entrepreneurial/start-ups training; inter-community peace and reconciliation sports tournaments and dialogues to engage and empower young people to promote positive values, healthy habits, and education – resulting in real life power.
 To his credit, he holds an Associate Degree in Management and a Senior Student majoring in Business Administration at the Stella Maris Polytechnic in Liberia.
Because of the several innovative programs he has initiated or supported to buttress government’s and development partners’ efforts in strengthening the various sectors around the country, he has gained recognition and support from several national and international Institutions including the United Nations Mission in Liberia and Ministries of Education, Health and Youth.
He currently serves as advisor to several national and regional youth organizations in Liberia and around Africa. He has headed Liberian youth delegations at various youth events in more than 15 countries around Africa and in Asia.  
In April 2016, he was rated by the United States Department of State’s Global innovation through Science and Technology Program as one of the top 32 emerging entrepreneurs selected from a pool of more than 600 applicants from across Africa with the best innovation and attend the GIST Bootcamp in South Africa and received Certificate of Registration from the International Panel of Ignite The Youth as one of the 34 Young African Leaders for “Grass-roots” campaigns and drives in Africa.
In 2016 and 2015, he emerged as semi-finalist in the U.S. Department of State’s Community Solution Program, featured in WYA -2015 Annual Report as Outstanding Member and Africa’s Leading Voice and won a Global Youth Leader Icon award in India as a result of a paper he presented as an International Speaker.
In 2014 he was selected as a member of 52 Emerging Leaders from within the Atlantic Basin by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and also emerged as Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young Africa Leaders Initiative Semi-Finalist.
He has  also participated in several regional and international youth conferences in more than 10 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe, including the most recent; US Department of State’s Global Innovation through Science and Technology Bootcamp in Johannesburg, South Africa-2016, 26th AU Heads of State and Governments’ Summit-2016 and African Union Agenda 2063 Youth Consultation Summit -2015.  He has also attended the 2nd African Youth Conference on Democracy and Good Governance in Maputo, Mozambique-2015; the International Youth NGOs Summit (IYONS-2015) in Chennai, India; and the German Marshall Fund of the United States’ Third Edition of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program in Marrakesh, Morocco-2014. He attended the World Youth Alliance Africa 3rd and 4th Africa Emerging Leaders Conferences in Nairobi, Kenya.
Andrew is a Liberian, and hailed from Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. Present, he lives in Paynesville City, Liberia.
Jarius Andrew Greaves’ story is neither one of an absolute privilege nor one who was born with a “silver spoon”. It is one of sacrifice and gratitude: The sacrifices of his parents, fore-parents, and the many selfless mentors and fellow youth leaders who have believed in him and continual to support his vision of breeding a new generation of leaders, especially  after Liberia’s 14 years of civil unrest. In an effort to give back to his community, country and the world at large, he lives each day in the mindfulness of a liability that can only be repaid by helping others - whenever, and wherever possible. His dream is to impact his peers, his community and nations. He envisions breeding a new generation of civic-minded and service-oriented leaders, and thankfully, he’s surrounded by some passionate and supportive mentors, and hardworking youth workers who are committed to making this a reality. So here's an advice from Andrew: Don't boast of being "self-made" – because we all need other leaders to believe in us.
Andrew currently serves as Youth Representative of the Liberian Ministry of Health, and Heads the newly established Adolescent and Youth Unit within the Family Health Division at the Ministry of Health.
Andrew is an International Youth Development Activist and a Certified African Youth Activist for “Grass-roots” campaigns and drives in Africa with over 10 years of experience in youth and local community development, social entrepreneurship, grassroots campaigns and peace education. Andrew is a U.S. Department of State’s GIST Program Alumnus and lead organizer of the GIST Techconnect in Liberia. He aspires to complete a graduate degree in Youth Development and Entrepreneurship.
Despite being a civil war victim, it didn’t let the challenges quench his thirst to make a change; instead, they propelled him to dream for better opportunities, and defined in him the true meaning and the purpose of life—to look beyond his own needs to see other people’s needs. Thus, he led, established and registered Youth Network for Reform (YONER) in 2008.  To date; YONER has directly impacted the lives of over 30,000 fellow youth and children through partnership with communities to provide local scholarships to deserving students, conduct training, and engage in advocacy and other community services including waste management and business networking, admitted as member of the Ministry of Youth & Sports’ Youth Coordination Committee and African Youth NGOs Network, and an implementing partner to Mandela Washington Fellowship-Liberia.  YONER-LIBERIA is headquartered in Paynesville City and has two active Clubs in J.J. Y. Community (Gardnerville) and Freetown Community (Browerville.
In the eight short years since its founding, YONER-LIBERIA has been able to build partnership with more than 20 local youth NGOs across country and more than 5 public institutions complementing its initiatives to continue playing a major role in the peace-building and sustainable development process in Liberia; a country with too many unproductive, unsupervised youths through valuable structured programs. YONER-LIBERIA has achieved these through voluntary community service, local scholarships, and entrepreneurial/start-ups training; inter-community peace and reconciliation sports tournaments and dialogues to engage and empower young people to promote positive values, healthy habits, and education – resulting in real life power.
To his credit, he holds an Associate Degree in Management and a Senior Student majoring in   Business Administration at the Stella Maris Polytechnic in Liberia.
Because of the several innovative programs he has initiated or supported to buttress government’s and development partners’ efforts in strengthening the various sectors around the country, he has gained recognition and support from several national and international Institutions including the United Nations Mission in Liberia and Ministries of Education, Health and Youth. 
He currently serves as advisor to several national and regional youth organizations in Liberia and around Africa. He has headed Liberian youth delegations at various youth events in more than 15 countries around Africa and in Asia.  
In April 2016, he was rated by the United States Department of State’s Global innovation through Science and Technology Program as one of the top 32 emerging entrepreneurs selected from a pool of more than 600 applicants from across Africa with the best innovation and attend the GIST Bootcamp in South Africa and received Certificate of Registration from the International Panel of Ignite The Youth as one of the 34 Young African Leaders for “Grass-roots” campaigns and drives in Africa.
In 2016 and 2015, he emerged as semi-finalist in the U.S. Department of State’s Community Solution Program, featured in WYA -2015 Annual Report as Outstanding Member and Africa’s Leading Voice and won a Global Youth Leader Icon award in India as a result of a paper he presented as an International Speaker.
In 2014 he was selected as a member of 52 Emerging Leaders from within the Atlantic Basin by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and also emerged as Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young Africa Leaders Initiative Semi-Finalist.
He has  also participated in several regional and international youth conferences in more than 10 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe, including the most recent; US Department of State’s Global Innovation through Science and Technology Bootcamp in Johannesburg, South Africa-2016, 26th AU Heads of State and Governments’ Summit-2016 and African Union Agenda 2063 Youth Consultation Summit -2015.  He has also attended the 2nd African Youth Conference on Democracy and Good Governance in Maputo, Mozambique-2015; the International Youth NGOs Summit (IYONS-2015) in Chennai, India; and the German Marshall Fund of the United States’ Third Edition of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program in Marrakesh, Morocco-2014. He attended the World Youth Alliance Africa 3rd and 4th Africa Emerging Leaders Conferences in Nairobi, Kenya.
Andrew is a Liberian, and hailed from Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. Present, he lives in Paynesville City, Liberia.
Youth Network for Reform (YONER) Feb. 2008-present
Founder/Executive Director | Paynesville, Liberia
Develop and implement strategic plans in partnership with the Board of Directors, better positioning the organization for success and making it visible in Paynesville City, Monrovia.
Developed and implemented household solid waste management program that keeps Paynesville City clean.
Manage staff effectively such that the waste management program has had less than 15% staff turnover in four years.
Lead, coach, and motivate youth volunteers and they embraced the mission of YONER and commit to working effectively to improve the community.
World Youth Alliance Liberia Chapter Aug. 2012-Jun. 2015
Liberia Chapter Founder/First Country Coordinator | Monrovia, Liberia
Successfully established and coordinated World Youth Alliance-Liberia Chapter (WYA-LC) from its origins to its present state; recognized as a full Chapter under the African Region
Presided at all meetings prepared and submitted
US Department of State’s Global Innovation through Science & Technology Bootcamp
Johannesburg, South Africa, April 12-15, 2016
The GIST Startup Boot Camp  was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from April 12 – April 15, to teach 32 young African teams how to effectively get out of the building and interview potential customers in order to get the information they need to form a successful startup. The Boot Camp was led by GIST’s Startup Boot Camp implementer VentureWell. Local partners The Innovation Hub and LeadAfrika provided in-country support.
African Union Inter-Generational Dialogues between African Leaders and between African leaders and the Youth of the continent on sidelines of every ordinary Session of the African Union Heads of States and Governments’ Summit| Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Jan 21-31, 2016
Participated in the Intergenerational Dialogue between African Leaders and African Youth, which took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the theme “Harnessing the Demographic Dividend in Africa towards the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals and AU Agenda 2063.”  The AUIGD-2016 aimed to promote youth leadership and empowerment towards Agenda 2063 and other continental and global targets.
African Union Agenda 2063 Youth Consultation Summit | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Oct. 2015-Nov. 2015
Participated in the African Union Agenda 2063 Youth Consultation Summit and Celebration of the African Youth Day 2015 held from October 28-November 1, 2015 at the African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia organized by the Youth Division of the African Union Commission and the Pan African Youth Union in partnership with the Youth Alliance for Leadership and Development - Addis Ababa University Charter (YALDA-AAU)
2nd African Youth Conference on Democracy and Good Governance | Maputo, Mozambique Sep. 2015-Sep. 2015
Represented Liberia at the Conference organized by the Youth Parliament of Mozambique in cooperation with the African Youth Leaders Network held from September 21-25, 2015. The Conference theme was “Africa Beyond 2015” and was chaired by former South African president Thabo Mbeki. More than 400 delegates and panelists attended, including former Burundian president Pierre Buyoya.
International Youth NGO Summit (IYONS-2015) | Chennai, India Jul. 2015-Jul. 2015
Attended and presented a paper at the IYONS in Chennai, India held from July 24-26, 2015. Youth from 120 countries discussed, debated, and evolved relevant youth development policies and best practices. IYONS created networking relationships among youth attendees. Received the Global Youth Leader Icon Award based on the quality of the paper presented.
World Youth Alliance Track A Training Course | Monrovia, Liberia Aug. 2013-Jun. 2015
First Liberian to complete WYA’s certified training program or Track A and received a Certificate of Accreditation. The course summarizes philosophical, historical, and modern day texts that focus on the dignity of the person and human rights. Course completers are equipped to articulate and defend the principles of the dignity of the person within the public square and to serve in key leadership positions.
Third Edition of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program | Marrakesh, Morocco Oct. 2014-Oct. 2014
Attended the Third Edition of the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program in Marrakesh, Morocco held from October 24-26, 2014. ADELP was organized by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and OPC Policy Center of Morocco.
Certificate of Appreciation Oct. 2015
Youth Division of the African Union Commission and The Youth Alliance for Leadership and Development - Addis Ababa University Charter (YALDA-AAU)
Received Certificate of Appreciation for attending and presenting at the Agenda 2063 Youth Consultation Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Program intended to raise awareness among youth attendees about Agenda 2063.
Youth Representative Sep. 2015
Ministry of Health, Monrovia, Liberia
Selected by the Minister of Health as Youth Representative on the Liberia National Core Team to the “Sub-Regional Project on Youth Empowerment and Demographic Dividend” (YEDD). The YEDD intends to mobilize financial support for interventions designed to address pressing challenges of young people in the sub-region.
Global Youth Leader Icon Award-2015 Jul. 2015
International Youth NGOs Network, India
Awarded the Global Youth Leader Icon Award based on the quality of a paper presented at the International NGOs Summit (IYONS) in Chennai, India
Featured as Outstanding Member and Africa’s Leading Voice in Africa Region Mar. 2015
World Youth Alliance International
Featured as Outstanding Member and Leading Voice of the Alliance in the Africa Region in the World Youth Alliance International’s Annual Report published in March 2015. The World Youth Alliance is a global organization of young people from more than 200 countries. The Alliance promotes the dignity of the person and builds solidarity among developed and developing nations through policies, culture, and education to foster free and just societies.
Financial Aid Recipient May. 2013
Smile Liberia and the Government of Liberia
Received a semester financial aid in the tone of US$205.00 in May 2013 based on financial needs through a competitive online application posted on the Liberian Government Executive Manson Website. It was an initiative of Smile Liberia (a Philanthropic Organization) and the Government of Liberia to help students who couldn't afford their fees.
Representation at Regional and International Youth Events
Ghana (Accra-3 times)
Sierra Leone (Freetown-2 times)
Kenya (Nairobi- 3 times)
Nigeria (Lagos)
Mozambique (Maputo)
Ethiopia (Addis Ababa-2 times)
South Africa (Johannesburg)
Morocco (Marrakech)
India (Chennai)