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Wednesday 11 January 2017


I was very happy and excited when one Abduljabbar Abubakar Maradun a English student from Usman Danfodiyo University Sokoto wrote humanitarianly about how student flay Yaris inconsistency in adhering the treaty of government sponsorship of its indigenous students.
It becomes interestingly clear that the movement for good governance is gaining moment. To be candid Abduljabar made that day of mine by two attributes which are:
1- Practicing his noble profession while In the making.
2- Secondly it's evidently clear he will do very well in and with his profession by choosing humanitarian calls and activism.
With this am hopeful and certain that Zamfara State is coming up and the trend will not die but rather gain moment by and in the actions of this dear state.
I want to on behalf of this singular positive act call on our students of different institutions to follow Abduljabbar suits and translate to action that which they practice. Remember the world was and still being changed by students. Inventors were once students and dies a student as no one ever get filled with knowledge. A student is some one whose being thought or been thought and read in order to acquire information and knowledge. Every one is a student. Most of the projects are valuable and they are being undertaken by students only to get dumb or become reference subject to later students.
Great projects and findings are being carried out every year by students in polytechnics, universities and other higher institutions. At times you teach your teacher because most of your findings are of lime light to your lecturers only after you provided them.
I told Abduljabar that Humanitarian service is anchored with many things and out of it is people are born Naturally with it, they only nurture such a Natural gift. And that fear shall not be his stooge, acclimatization to its woes is the strongest weapon on such a journey.
I called on other students to emulate Abduljabbar strong stand and will to lead to a safer humanitarian climate so as to have many but one stronger voice. 
Eliminate the syndrome of act by zapping out your mind intuition of you can't or it will not be meaningful or accepted. Clear that out and know that some are keen to read from you. Indulge
Today they are among the richest and famous musicians in Nigeria but earlier they are been criticized of imitating other songs with their on ways as such they can't sing a song with out imitating.  Today their saveral debut albums are all over the world and celebrated is their wisdom. To also tell you a story from Zig Zigler the founder of Annex learning where renounce individuals are called to share stories of success  and motivate upcoming generations being it entrepreneurship, entertainment and academia and to also create an avenue for the younger ones to meet their unreachable mentors. So many turned him down but he keep going extra miles and face challenges of not being accepted by others even though it's not for free, Zig pays you to deliver lectures. Current US President Donald Trump was among those who refused to offer lecture to learning Annex then, which has little to offer, today is among the highest people who deliver lectures in learning annex and even partner it. Persist
I would like and other people love to see more of Abduljabbars in here in Zamfara state.
My last statement to Abduljabbars was "more ink to your pen".

I remain my humble self
 Bashir Yusuf Rawayya
President Patriotic Youth forum

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